- 現在の場所 :
- トップ > くらしの情報 > 市民活動・学園都市・多文化共生・男女共同参画 > 多言語情報(English/中文/한국어/Español/Português/その他7言語) > English(英語) > Hachioji City English E-Mailing Service > Registration/Modification/Termination
Registration procedure
1. Application
Please send a blank e-mail to the address below with your mobile phone.
*A blank e-mail is an e-mail with no subject or message. However some mobile devices may require any character inputted in the text.
If you have set an antispam policy, please reset it so that you can receive an e-mail from our "@city.hachioji.tokyo.jp" address.
- t-icho@sg-p.jp(Half-width alphanumeric)
2. Registration
You will receive a confirmation e-mail. Please click on the link to proceed with your registration.
3. Complete
You will receive an e-mail notifying that your registration has been completed successfully. Please try again if you don't receive the e-ma.
Modification and termination procedure (Follow the instructions offered in English)
1. Application
Every e-mail contains a link to MyPage at the bottom. Access MyPage to modify your information or terminate the service.
2. Confirmation
You will receive a confirmation e-mail.
- 市民活動推進部多文化共生推進課
〒192-8501 八王子市元本郷町三丁目24番1号